The Blog
This is a space where I share ideas, thoughts and practical strategies for individuals and organisations to take a bit more control of their happiness, health and wealth. Some concepts are novel, whilst others have been around for centuries, I just package them for our modern attention-sapping society.
Occasionally guest writers will contribute their content so I can share ideas through a different lens. I hope you enjoy the blog.
In previous articles, I have spoken in great...
Jobs are no longer just for paying the bills. Today, people want work that is meaningful and...
Journaling became a staple for me in 2021. I must admit I was dubious, and I sincerely doubted my...
What to do when you are gutter balling personally or professionally.
This article is all about...
If you’re like me, you’re in the middle of your second decade as a performance...
It is estimated that burnout costs the global economy £255 billion a year. Burnout tends to...
I knew a coach that used to say…
‘Time is the enemy’
I understood what he was...
They say things come in threes!
A toddler trapped locked in a car, a car key lost on a trail run...
Draining your battery…
All things stress-related drain your battery. This could be work,...
Don’t love your job or the industry.
Let me be clear.
I am not...
When you feel like a fraud, keep doubting your abilities and feel inadequate despite your...
For many of us, the phrase “work/life balance” evokes a sense of idealised...