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The Blog

This is a space where I share ideas, thoughts and practical strategies for individuals and organisations to take a bit more control of their happiness, health and wealth. Some concepts are novel, whilst others have been around for centuries, I just package them for our modern attention-sapping society.

Occasionally guest writers will contribute their content so I can share ideas through a different lens.  I hope you enjoy the blog.

What the Corporate World Can Learn From the Special Forces? corporate world special forces

In one of my previous roles, I built the human performance program for an entire nation's Special...

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Practice Intentional Pausing

Think of a pause as a gap in proceedings, that could be a conversation, a meeting, your day,...

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Own Your Mornings

This is not a post about the awesomeness of 5am club, a 17-step morning routine to conquer the...

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Job Creep and Over-delivery, Where Are You the Problem?

When we enjoy what we do and are passionate about it, there is a tendency to overdeliver....

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Times of Stress Are Signals for Growth.

This article is about sitting with discomfort because we really aren’t very good at...

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Don’t STOP. START. health

I am going to throw a novel concept at you all here. When all the social media wellness gurus...

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Looking after #1 happiness health

There is a really interesting philosophical question that has been floating around for years. It...

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What are your professional anchors happiness

Throughout your career, there will be skills, personal characteristics, people, and environments...

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The 3 Pillars of Well-being happiness health wealth


As fitness professionals and performance...

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Dumbing down your wellness goals happiness health wealth


In previous articles, I have spoken in great...

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“Follow your Passion”-maybe not if you want a fulfilling career guest blogs happiness health

Jobs are no longer just for paying the bills. Today, people want work that is meaningful and...

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The written word is not dead happiness the journals

Journaling became a staple for me in 2021. I must admit I was dubious, and I sincerely doubted my...

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Is it time to put the bumpers up? happiness health

What to do when you are gutter balling personally or professionally.

This article is all about...

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