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The Blog

This is a space where I share ideas, thoughts and practical strategies for individuals and organisations to take a bit more control of their happiness, health and wealth. Some concepts are novel, whilst others have been around for centuries, I just package them for our modern attention-sapping society.

Occasionally guest writers will contribute their content so I can share ideas through a different lens.  I hope you enjoy the blog.

“Follow your Passion”-maybe not if you want a fulfilling career guest blogs happiness health

Jobs are no longer just for paying the bills. Today, people want work that is meaningful and...

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5 Simple Ways to Add Self Care This Week guest blogs happiness health

If you’re like me, you’re in the middle of your second decade as a performance...

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Five ways to deal with burnout using lessons from elite sport guest blogs health

It is estimated that burnout costs the global economy £255 billion a year. Burnout tends to...

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How concussion can lead to clarity guest blogs happiness health

They say things come in threes!

A toddler trapped locked in a car, a car key lost on a trail run...

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How do I stop imposter syndrome…? guest blogs happiness health

When you feel like a fraud, keep doubting your abilities and feel inadequate despite your...

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4 Strategies for Organisations to Promote Coach Well-being guest blogs happiness wealth

Most stress management techniques and mental wellness initiatives place the emphasis on the...

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Thinking Small About Stress and Burnout guest blogs

We’re constantly told to think big.

We’re told we need to dare to dream big, shoot...

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Can’t Stop Thinking About Work? How to Detach And Be Present guest blogs happiness health wealth

One of the major struggles of the coaches I work with is that they can’t be present....

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Coaching Under Pressure: Part Two guest blogs happiness health wealth

Coaching can be stressful. While coaching manuals often talk about the different roles that...

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Coaching Under Pressure: Part One – What Exactly is Stress? guest blogs happiness health

Twitter is great. I mean, at first I thought it was an outlet for the self-indulgent, a way for...

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Burnout, What is it? guest blogs happiness health wealth

I’m currently on the Thrive course run by Josh Fletcher and Dr Peter Olusoga. The...

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