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"You've shifted and you've drifted Pete".

Yep. Sometimes your clients need calling out. We all do.

My client Pete (not his real name) was flying.

We started working together because he was exhausted all the time, overwhelmed and struggling to regulate his emotions.

He was on thin ice at work and his wife and kids "think I'm a moody idiot who needs to be avoided". 

He'd had enough.

Fast forward and he made some amazing changes to his life.

Quite simply through making a series of mini changes and being consistent.

  • He moved his first thing after waking up
  • Went to bed 20mins earlier and got up 20mins earlier
  • Learnt how to respond and not react to his emotions
  • Kissed his wife goodbye and at home (6s each, it's a game changer)
  • 10 mins before leaving the office he brain dumped, writing (old school pen and paper) everything that he needed to get out about the day. Write it down, let it out.

He was flying, and people he cared about were noticing.

But slowly Pete's attention started to move away from what was working for him and he drifted back towards his old habits. 

He stopped doing many of the things that had seen him leap forwards.

Coaching isn't about being mates, it's about getting you the results you want. 

Sometimes that means you need calling out, and being held accountable.

Pete knew he'd drifted and we quite literally went back to basics, built in some additional accountability support and he's back on it.

We all drift. It's how we get back on track that matters.

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